Monday, 11 July 2022
11:15-12:00, RAA-G-01
11:15-12:00, RAA-G-01
Open Data and Reproducibility
Lecture by Eva Furrer
In this lecture, the relationship between Open Science and reproducibility will be clarified and the so-called reproducibility crisis discussed. Taking a cyclic description of the scientific method as a guide, methods for how to overcome threats to reproducibility will be discussed. The link between these methods and different aspects of Open Science will become clear.
Dr. Eva Furrer
Center for Reproducible Science at UZHEva Furrer is the managing director of the Center for Reproducible Science (CRS) at the University of Zurich. Furthermore, Furrer is a scientific staff member at the Epistemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute. She specializes in statistics, reproducibility, and Open Science.