Thursday, 27 August 2020
11:15-12:15, RAA-G-01

Preprints, and What Other Types of Research Output Can Be Archived on a Preprint Repository

Lecture by Johanna Havemann

Johanna Havemann, Consultant in Open Science Communication, introduced a further integral part of the Open Publishing workflow: preprint repositories. In academic publishing, a preprint is a version of a scholarly or scientific paper that precedes formal peer review and publication in a journal. Often referred to as «prepublication», preprints allow for early dissemination of research results before formal publication. Furthermore, it is an opportunity to receive feedback on the manuscript not only by a few individuals, but by the wider research community.

Publishing a preprint has no negative consequences for the submission of a paper to a journal; however, some scholars are concerned that quality cannot be controlled. Contrary to their concerns, there is a culture of reviewing preprints, one can mark a preprint as wanting feedback, and it is open for everyone to read. Some of the advantages of preprints are that it also functions as a timestamp when e.g. a discovery was made, the research community can use the results already before the long publication process, it is citable, can be indexed and listed in the CV, one keeps ownership of the work, and the manuscript can potentially be updated through the feedback received before formal publication.

There are different preprint repositories for different disciplines, geographical regions, and languages. Thus, they also provide a platform for scientists from around the world to exchange knowledge and research practices in various languages. Additionally, many of the existing repositories accept postprints, research datasets, posters, and slide decks in order to facilitate Open Science practices in general and reputation building for early career researchers in particular.

  • Havemann

    Dr. Johanna Havemann

    Access 2 Perspectives

    Johanna Havemann offers courses and trainings in the fields of science communication, scientific project management and career development with a focus on digital applications for science under the label Access 2 Perspectives. One of her initiatives aims to strengthen research on the African continent through Open Science.