Summer School 2022

The 2022 edition of our Open Science Summer School was a great success! From 11 - 15 July, participants had the opportunity to gain a deeper insight into the world of open data, research data management, and open access.

Most of the presentations are now online. Click on the topics you're interested in under "Lectures" and download them for free.

Reading Material +

Do you want to learn about Open Data and what it means to make your data FAIR? Do you have to write a data management plan for a current or future project but don’t know where to begin? Are you unsure about copyright or how to manage your sensitive data? Are you confused about the various Open Access publishing options and struggle to find a trustworthy journal? Apply for our Open Science Summer School, and have your questions answered!

In the vast majority of academic disciplines, competences related to data management have become essential, not least because the research environment of today is increasingly data-driven. What is more, the shift towards Open Science, that is, the shift towards open access to data and publications, is progressing rapidly. Funders require that research results be made publicly available without restriction, aiming to make science or the generation of knowledge more open, transparent, and collaborative.

During the UZH Open Science Summer School, you will have the opportunity to gain a deeper insight into the world of Open Data, Research Data Management, and Open Access. National and international experts will guide you through hands-on workshops and provide theoretical input on various topics related to these subfields of Open Science. You will spend an entire week focusing not only on the opportunities that Open Science has to offer, but also on the (disciplinary) challenges that may come along with it.

Topics of talks and workshops include:

  • Open Data, FAIR Data, and the reproducibility of research
  • writing a data management plan
  • Research Data Management infrastructures
  • copyright and licenses
  • how to deal with sensitive data
  • Open Access publishing
  • predatory journals
  • Open Peer Review

Target audience

We welcome applications from doctoral students and postdocs of all Swiss universities, universities of applied sciences and universities of teacher education, as well as of all academic disciplines. Doctoral students can earn 2 ECTS. All talks and workshops will be held in English, and fluency in both spoken and written English is therefore required. (Requirement: working with data?)


July 11-15, 2022


The Summer School will take place at the University of Zurich (City Campus) and the Zentralbibliothek (Zurich Central Library).

Registration costs

CHF 100 per participant. This includes materials, snacks, and three optional social events from July 11-15, 2022. Travel to and from Zurich, as well as accommodation in Zurich, will have to be covered by the participants.

Speakers +

  • Bax de Keating

    Dr. Aude Bax de Keating


    In 2018, Dr. Aude Bax de Keating joined swissuniversities and became the Open Science Program Portfolio Manager. In 2019, she was selected by the Agence Nationale de Recherche (ANR) in Paris to become one of the youngest female open science committee experts. In 2021, she was appointed as the new co-coordinator of the Open Science Program from swissuniversities starting January 1, 2022.

  • Diaz

    Dr. Pablo Diaz


    Pablo Diaz works as a Research Associate at FORS. Diaz's research topics address policy transfer, development policy, social protection, international organizations, and qualitative research methodology.

  • Flach

    Dr. Susanne Flach

    Susanne Flach is a Senior Teaching and Research Assistant in English Linguistics at the University of Zurich.

  • Furrer

    Dr. Eva Furrer

    Center for Repro­ducible Science at UZH

    Eva Furrer is the managing director of the Center for Reproducible Science (CRS) at the University of Zurich. Furthermore, Furrer is a scientific staff member at the Epistemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute. She specializes in statistics, reproducibility, and Open Science.

  • Havemann

    Dr. Johanna Havemann

    Access 2 Perspectives

    Johanna Havemann offers courses and trainings in the fields of science communication, scientific project management and career development with a focus on digital applications for science under the label Access 2 Perspectives. One of her initiatives aims to strengthen research on the African continent through Open Science.

  • Heers

    Dr. Marieke Heers


    Marieke Heers works as a Senior Researcher at FORS. Heers specializes in the collection, processing, and analysis of quantitative data in the areas of educational research and family demographics.

  • Hermans

    Katherine Hermans

    Open Science Office, University of Zurich

    Katherine Hermans is the co-director of the Open Science Office of University of Zurich. She is a former journalist and founder of the organization "Global Changemakers", which supports social projects by young people.

  • Heyard

    Dr. Rachel Heyard

    Rachel Heyard is a postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Reproducible Science at the University of Zurich.

  • Höfler

    Manuela Höfler

    Open Science Office, University of Zurich

    Manuela Höfler is the co-director of the Open Science Office at the University of Zurich. She previously worked as a communications officer for the Swiss Federal Archives, which built up the federal open data portal.

  • Lee

    Gavin Lee

    Gavin is a Data Science Engineer at the Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC) in Zurich. He holds an MSc in Computational Science and Engineering from EPFL as well as a BSc in Financial Mathematics and Statistics from the University of Sydney.

  • Makhlouf Shabou

    Prof. Dr. Basma Makhlouf Shabou

    Information Science at HEG Geneva

    Basma Makhlouf Shabou is Head of the Master's program in Information Science at the Geneva Graduate School of Management (HEG). Her archival research as well as her lectures and publications concentrate on the appraisal of archives, the quality dimensions of archives, and on the accessibility of public data.

  • Mallona

    Dr. Izaskun Mallona

    Department of Molecular Life Science, University of Zurich

    After Izaskun Mallona earned her PhD in plant developmental biology in 2012, she switched to epigenomics and released several methods and tools to analyze, browse and visualize epigenetic data. As a biologist and computer engineer by training, she is interested in the interface between life and computer sciences, and advocates for open source and open science.

  • Marazza

    Suzanna Marazza

    Università della Svizzera italiana

    Suzanna Marazza works as a legal expert at the eLearning Lab of the Università della Svizzera italiana, and is engaged in several projects dealing with digital law issues. She also works for projects such as CCdigitallaw, DMLawTool, and MAPAW.

  • Masuzzo

    Dr. Paola Masuzzo

    Institute for Globally Distributed Open Research and Education (IGDORE)

    Paola Chiara Masuzzo was born in Italy and works as a data scientist in Belgium. Masuzzo is an advocate of Open Science and independent researcher at IGDORE, where she promotes open research and knowledge. She's a big fan of Open Data and the tv series Seinfeld.

  • Matthey-Doret

    Dr. Cyril Matthey-Doret

    Cyril Matthey-Doret works as a Data Science Engineer at the Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC). He holds a Ph.D. in Computational Biology from Sorbonne University and the Institut Pasteur in Paris.

  • Méndez Rodriguez

    Prof. Dr. Eva Maria Méndez Rodriguez

    Department of Library and Information at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

    Eva Maria Méndez Rodriguez is an expert on metadata, the semantic web, Open Data repositories, and information policy. She is also a member of various committees and advisory boards, including the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) and OpenAIRE.

  • Perini

    Dr. Lionel Perini

    Swiss National Science Foundation

    Lionel Perini holds a PhD in Economics and works as a Scientific Officer for the humanities and social sciences division of the Swiss National Science Foundation in Berne. He co-authored the SNSF monitoring report 2017-2018 on Open Research Data.

  • Renn

    Dr. Oliver Renn

    Head of the Chemistry | Biology | Pharmacy Information Center, ETH Zurich

    Oliver Renn joined the ETH Zurich in September 2012 as Head of the  Chemistry | Biology | Pharmacy Information Center. He has a PhD in bioinorganic Chemistry and used to work in cancer research, but also wrote hands-​on articles on scientific publishing, communication, and life-​long learning.

  • Schneider

    Prof. Dr. René Schneider

    Information and Documentation Department at HEG Geneva

    René Schneider is Head of the Information and Documentation Department at the University of Applied Sciences Geneva (HEG). Schneider is one of the authors of the Open Science Training Handbook.


Open Science Community Event

As a conclusion to our Summer School project supported by swissuniversities, we are organizing an event for the Swiss Open Science community in order to foster a national exchange of experience (June 18, 9:00-11:00). We will talk about our lessons learned in the course of the project, offer a glimpse into the work of the Open Science Office at the University of Zurich, and leave room for discussions and for you to share your own insights from the point of view of your institution. Furthermore, we will have representatives from the SNSF and the EU Grants Access Office sharing their perspectives and requirements regarding Open Science.

The event is open to everyone working in Open Science or having an interest in the topic. Join us in this exchange of experience and register at

Lectures +

Friday, 18 June 2021



The Legal Aspects of Open Science

As a follow-up event to our Summer School, a virtual workshop on “The Legal Aspects of Open Science” led by CCdigitallaw was held on February 5, February 15 and March 8, 2021. Like the Summer School, this workshop was open to all doctoral students and postdocs of all Swiss universities, universities of applied sciences and universities of teacher education, as well as of all academic disciplines. It covered topics such as copyright, Creative Commons licenses and data protection, and introduced the DMLawTool (Data Management Law Tool).

Speakers +

  • Marazza

    Suzanna Marazza

    Università della Svizzera italiana

    Suzanna Marazza works as a legal expert at the eLearning Lab of the Università della Svizzera italiana, and is engaged in several projects dealing with digital law issues. She also works for projects such as CCdigitallaw, DMLawTool, and MAPAW.

  • Picco-Schwendener

    Dr. Anna Picco-Schwendener

    Università della Svizzera italiana

    Anna Picco-Schwendener manages the CCdigitallaw project. Furthermore, she is a postdoctoral researcher at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the Università della Svizzera italiana.

Lectures +

Friday, 05 February 2021
UZH Campus Rämistrasse 59, 8001 Zürich



Summer School 2020

«Yes, we’re open!» – unter diesem Motto fand an der UZH eine Summer School des Graduate Campus und der Hauptbibliothek zu Open Science statt. 23 angehende Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus der Schweiz diskutierten über das brandaktuelle Thema und vertieften es anhand von Praxisbeispielen.

Reviews & Impressions

  • «In China Open Data and Data Management isn’t as prevailing yet. I hope this develops there, too.» Besonders interessiert sei sie am Thema Daten Management. Als Neurowissenschaftlerin müsse sie eine grosse Datenmenge verwalten. Wie sie diese am besten organisiere und wie man einen Daten Management Plan verfasse, habe sie nun an der Summer School gelernt. «Also, I sometimes work with patients, so the data is sensitive; I wanted to know how to deal with sensitive data in the realm of open science and open data». Sizhu plant, das Gelernte in ihrer Forschung anzuwenden und ihre Daten offen zu teilen. «I also learned about the UZH Data Services and Open Access Center that helps you with questions regarding your data plan – that’s great!».

    Sizhu Han hat in China Neurowissenschaften studiert und forscht zurzeit an der UZH. (Bild: zVg)

  • «Open Science is a big thing in Glasgow and Scottland in general – I wanted to see what the situation is here in Switzerland and learn new things about it.
    I also want to investigate the RENKU (Open Science Kollaborationsplattform des Swiss Science Data Centers) system more; really look into it deeper and use it actively. And I want to pass it on to colleagues and share these tools with them.»

    Christoph Turner, Doktorand der Psychologie an der Universität Fribourg, hat bereits durch sein Masterstudium in Glasgow Kenntnisse in Open Science erworben. (Bild: zVg)

  • «Durch meinen Master in Information and Data Management kannte ich mich in den Themen bereits aus. Ich will aber mein Wissen soweit vertiefen, dass ich es auch mit meinen Kolleginnen und Kollegen teilen kann. Insbesondere bin ich an praktischen Fragen rund um Datenmanagement, den Umgang mit sensiblen Daten, Daten Repositories und dem Teilen der eigenen Daten mit anderen interessiert. In Zukunft werde ich sicherlich die diskutierten Schritte und Checklisten für mich durchgehen, wenn ich etwas erfassen, publizieren oder speichern muss. Ich habe nun ein besseres Verständnis dafür, wo und wie man Daten speichern kann, sodass der Endnutzer diese auch benutzerfreundlich verwenden kann.»

    Abena Nigg hat einen Abschluss in Information und Data Management der HTW Chur. (Bild: zVg)

  • Junge Forscherinnen und Forscher bildeten sich an der Summer School des
    Graduate Campus zum Thema Open Science weiter. Die Veranstaltung war
    eine der ersten der UZH, die wieder vor Ort stattfand – unter strikter
    Einhaltung der Hygienemassnahmen.

Reading Material +

Getting into the Fundamentals of Open Data, Research Data Management, and Open Access

We are continuously adding reading suggestions here, that may be of interest to you. The list is not in any way complete, and it does not have to be looked through entirely. Please let us know if you would like to add or change something. Enjoy!

For a first taste:

  • Swiss Academies Factsheets: Open Science in Switzerland: Opportunities and Challenges
    Pdf download →
  • Science Business: Why Open Science is the Future (And how to make it happen)
    Pdf download →

Speakers +

  • Blumer

    Eliane Blumer

    EPFL Library

    Eliane Blumer works as Research Data Management Coordinator and Specialist at the EPFL Library where she also manages the Life Sciences liaison. She is on the committee of Bibliosuisse, as well as a member of the LIBER RDM Working Group.

  • Davidson

    Joy Davidson

    Digital Curation Centre at the University of Glasgow

    Joy Davidson is Associate Director of the Digital Curation Centre (DCC) at the University of Glasgow. She is involved in several international working groups, including the Knowledge Exchange Primary Research Data Working Group, the Research Data Canada (RDC) Education & Training Subcommittee, and the Research Information and Digital Literacies Coalition (RIDLs).

  • Diaz

    Dr. Pablo Diaz


    Pablo Diaz works as a Research Associate at FORS. Diaz's research topics address policy transfer, development policy, social protection, international organizations, and qualitative research methodology.

  • Furrer

    Dr. Eva Furrer

    Center for Repro­ducible Science at UZH

    Eva Furrer is the managing director of the Center for Reproducible Science (CRS) at the University of Zurich. Furthermore, Furrer is a scientific staff member at the Epistemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute. She specializes in statistics, reproducibility, and Open Science.

  • Havemann

    Dr. Johanna Havemann

    Access 2 Perspectives

    Johanna Havemann offers courses and trainings in the fields of science communication, scientific project management and career development with a focus on digital applications for science under the label Access 2 Perspectives. One of her initiatives aims to strengthen research on the African continent through Open Science.

  • Heers

    Dr. Marieke Heers


    Marieke Heers works as a Senior Researcher at FORS. Heers specializes in the collection, processing, and analysis of quantitative data in the areas of educational research and family demographics.

  • Jenkins Cahenzli

    Dr. Julia Jenkins Cahenzli

    Swiss National Science Foundation

    Julia Cahenzli Jenkins works in career funding at Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).

  • Kuchma

    Iryna Kuchma

    Electronic Information for Libraries, OpenAIRE

    Iryna Kuchma is the Open Access Programme Manager at EIFL (Electronic Information for Libraries), as well as the Regional Coordinator East and Training Officer on the management team of OpenAIRE. Furthermore, she is a member of the advisory board of the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Open Library of the Humanities Internationalisation Committee, and the PLOS International Advisory Group.

  • Leonelli

    Prof. Dr. Sabina Leonelli

    Exeter Centre for the Study of the Life Sciences at the University of Exeter

    Sabina Leonelli is Professor of Philosophy and History of Science at the University of Exeter, and the Co-Director of the Exeter Centre for the Study of the Life Sciences (Egenis), where she leads the Data Studies research strand. Furthermore, she is interested in the implementation of Open Science and serves as a Plan S Ambassdor.

  • Makhlouf Shabou

    Prof. Dr. Basma Makhlouf Shabou

    Information Science at HEG Geneva

    Basma Makhlouf Shabou is Head of the Master's program in Information Science at the Geneva Graduate School of Management (HEG). Her archival research as well as her lectures and publications concentrate on the appraisal of archives, the quality dimensions of archives, and on the accessibility of public data.

  • Mayer

    Dr. Philipp Mayer

    Unibas, UZH, ETH

    Philipp Mayer is a scientist, practitioner, and adult educator. Mayer holds teaching positions at the University of Basel, the University of Zurich, and ETH Zurich.

  • Méndez Rodriguez

    Prof. Dr. Eva Maria Méndez Rodriguez

    Department of Library and Information at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

    Eva Maria Méndez Rodriguez is an expert on metadata, the semantic web, Open Data repositories, and information policy. She is also a member of various committees and advisory boards, including the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) and OpenAIRE.

  • Mons

    Prof. Dr. Barend Mons

    Department of Human Genetics at Leiden University Medical Center

    Barend Mons is Professor of Biosemantics at the LUMC and also a board member of the Leiden Centre of Data Science. He is one of the founders of the FAIR principles for Open Science and the concept of Data Stewardship.

  • Robinson

    Prof. Dr. Mark Robinson

    Open Science Delegate UZH

    Mark Robinson is Professor of Statistical Genomics. Robinson specializes in Open Data and Open Code and is an advocate for open access to research data and software. He is an Open Science delegate of the University of Zurich, together with Marc Thommen.

  • Roškar

    Dr. Rok Roškar

    Swiss Data Science Center at ETH

    Rok Roškar is Head of Engineering at the Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC). Roškar develops tools for reproducible data science.

  • Röthlisberger

    Dr. Melanie Röthlisberger

    Main Library at the University of Zurich

    Melanie Röthlisberger works in the Data Services and Open Access team at the Main Library of the University of Zurich. She is an Open Access Ambassador for the SNSF (Swiss National Science Foundation), and also a Eurodoc Open Science Ambassador for Switzerland.

  • Schneider

    Prof. Dr. René Schneider

    Information and Documentation Department at HEG Geneva

    René Schneider is Head of the Information and Documentation Department at the University of Applied Sciences Geneva (HEG). Schneider is one of the authors of the Open Science Training Handbook.

  • Schwab

    Dr. Simon Schwab

    Center for Reproducible Science

    Simon Schwab is a postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Reproducible Science (CRS) and the Department of Biostatistics at the University of Zurich. He advocates for reproducibility and the highest standards in data analysis.

  • Severin

    Anna Severin

    Strategy Support Division at the Swiss National Science Foundation

    Anna Severin is a PhD student in the Strategy Support Division of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). Her research focuses on the intersection of Open Access publishing and scientific quality control in scientific publishing, with a concentration on Open Access research policy and scientometrics, predictive publishing, and peer review quality.

  • Thommen

    Prof. Dr. Marc Thommen

    Open Science Delegate UZH

    Marc Thommen is Professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure. Thommen is a specialist in Open Access, an enthusiastic supporter of free access to scientific publications, and publishes the Open Access journal sui generis. He is an Open Science delegate of the University of Zurich, together with Mark Robinson.

  • Wili

    Nino Wili

    Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences at ETH

    Nino Wili is a PhD student in Chemistry at ETH Zurich. Wili is an Open Access Ambassador for the SNF (Swiss National Foundation).

Lectures +

Monday, 24 August 2020 – Friday, 28 August 2020
UZH Campus Rämistrasse 59, 8001 Zürich

